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 A Study on the Intervention Activities in Korean Peninsula by Neighboring Powers since Modern Times —— In the View of Intervention Theory    


 朝鲜半岛 干预理论 系统模型 国际体系 周边大国    


 Korean Peninsula Intervention Theory System Model International System Neighboring Powers    










Throughout the history of intervention on Korean peninsula since modern times, Korean Peninsula has already become a tool used by neighboring powers to game each other, the Korean Peninsula has consequently possessed a special geopolitical significance. Whatever it refers to Japan’s "Mainland Policy" or Russia’s “Far-Eastern Expansionary Policy” or USSR’s “Theories of Two Major Camp” or USA’s “Asia-Pacific policy”, no matter the relative powers are neighboring or separated by sea, all the neighboring powers want to achieve their interventional targets through the Korean Peninsula, which to some extent can explain why the geographic location of Korean Peninsula is so important, moreover it explains why the geopolitical significance attracts more attention than geoeconomics significance by neighbouring powers. The Korean Peninsula is selected as a case of Intervention Theory study by sorting the history and key events, then analyze the whole process in the view of intervention theory to show how the neighbouring powers set their ideal state of Korean Peninsula in different historical periods and in what way they have taken to reach their goals.

The article is divided into three parts: introduction, body paragraphs and conclusion.

The part of introduction includes the purpose and significance of this research, the research overview and achievement of the study on intervention theory and the international relation between the neighboring powers and Korean Peninsula at home and aboard. In the part of overview of intervention theory, I build an intervention system on the basis of related concepts, the basic content and its development process. Based on this system I explain the interaction process and the mutual effect within the intervention system.

The body paragraphs review the intervention behavior of Russia, Japan, America and Qing Dynasty center on the Korean Peninsula from the end of the nineteenth century to the early 20th century, and analysis the cause of the each country’s strategic conflict. The national behavior paradigm in this period belongs to the hegemonic imperialist system, the imperialist countries have monopolized the power of international rules. When the global dominion resources has been carved up and after the sovereign state has been established, the merger pattern between the great powers turned into a competition model.

In the period from the beginning of the 20th century to the middle of the 20th century. The neighbouring powers have adjusted their means of intervention. America changed its past compulsory unilateral intervention, it began to intervene the target country or region in the form of League of Nations, the United Nations and other global international organizations. The original Purpose of League of Nations was to settle international disputes and to maintain world peace, but due to the lack of universality and authority, the league became to a tool of Versailles System under the control of Britain and France. The function of the United Nations is not only to safeguard world peace and to prevent the outbreak of World War but also establish the respect for human rights and the right of peoples to self-determination as its primary mission. The United Nations combine economic development with social development to comply with the trend of development of world peace. But on the other side the limitations of the United Nations is also quite obviously, for instance, in the military interference case of North Korea, America took the United Nations as the tool of intervention, and it makes full use of the same way again in the neo-interventionism afterwards.

After the middle of the 20th century, the end of the cold war represents the termination of Yalta system, a new world pattern of uni-multipolarity model appeared. This model is featured by America’s hegemonic intervention which benefits America to keep the hegemony in the international circumstances through maintaining control of the international order continuously for their own interests by scattering their points in countries in this intervention strategy. With the national concepts such as sovereign states and national states having been accepted gradually, the differences between developed countries and developing countries are emerging. The developing countries that are in political independence pursue basically a neutral non-aligned policy while the strengthening the cooperation between them to resist the interference from America.

America has constantly adjusted its Asia-Pacific policy through different governments, and with the support of America, South Korea and Japan have become the economic powerhouse, Russia relatively received the transition of the social system smoothly. After the reform and opening, China owns greater autonomy in economic and diplomatic, while the North Korea is perfecting its nuclear capability. The geopolitical implications of the Korean Peninsula have also changed because of the intervention strategy of the neighbouring countries, the issue of North Korea has been more complicated.

In the final chapter I analysis the theoretical goals of neighbouring powers’ intervention strategies, on the different conditions of Korean peninsula that might occur in the future to figure out the reason of conflict combined with the ideal intervention model to offer a feasible path method for solving the Korean peninsula issues and a new type of regional order construction in the future.

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